What is that red bump, sort of like a pimple, that forms on the outside edge of the eyelid? It is probably a stye. On this episode of OCuTALK™, Jennifer Yalldo, O.D. will be explaining to us what styes are, what causes them, and possible treatment options.
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Tuesday Tips
A Preservative free artificial tear such as Optase Intense dry eye (swipe up or check out in store) Refresh Mega or Retaine MGD, oasis tears.
Hydrate and drink water throughout your day. Limit caffeine intake to 1-2 cups only. This will help your eyes stay moist and maintains your overall health. Its great to flush your body of toxins.
Add a Humidifier to your furnace or in your work space. This increases moisture in your environment which is not only beneficial for your eyes but even more so for your skin and respiratory system.
Reducing screen time! Yes, I said it. Ok, at least take breaks from your digital devices more frequently throughout your day. Watching television and using the computer has been linked to reduced blinking, which can cause your eyes to feel dry, irritated, gritty and lead to other dry eye symptoms.