Dry eyes are caused by an imbalance between tear production and drainage. Insufficient tears or tears of poor quality can cause your eyes to become dry.
The reliance on digital devices such as tablets, computers, phones and televisions has propelled a modern world where countless hours are spent in front of digital screens. This has caused our blinking efficiency to suffer. As a result of forgetting to blink, our eyelid oil glands become clogged. Degeneration and dysfunction of the meibomian glands can occur in very young children and toddlers due to their exposure to using electronic devices more frequently at younger ages. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) occurs when the glands become clogged with thick secretions. Our eyes become chronically obstructive with MGD when they reach this level, so the oil cannot reach the surface of the eye, resulting in a quicker evaporation of tears. During times of intense focus, we forget to blink. In the presence of low humidity indoors, our eyes can become dry. YouTube gamers of all ages begin to suffer from dryness at a very young age.